Lyrics of
Jug Band Music

I was down in Savannah, eatin' cream and bananas
When the heat just made me faint
I began to get cross-eyed, I thought I was lost, I'd
Begun to see things as they ain't
As the relatives gathered to see what's the matter
The doctor came to see was I dyin'
But the doctor said, "Give him jug band music
It seems to make him feel just fine"
I was told a little tale about a skinny-as-a-rail
Eight-foot cowboy with a headache
He was hung up in the desert swattin' rats and tryin' to get
A drink of water with his knees a-gettin' mud-caked
And I'll tell you in a sentence how he stumbled in to Memphis,
Tennessee, hardly crawlin', lookin' dust-baked
We gave him a little water, a little bit of wine
He opened up his eyes, but they didn't seem to shine
Then the doctor said, "Give him jug band music
It seems to make him feel just fine"
So if you ever get sickly, get Sis to run quickly