1. Thank You Heaven- ly Fath- er for Your love for me.
I'm for- ev- er grate- ful that You sac- ri- ficed Your Son.
You saved my soul and changed my des- ti- ny.
Thank You God for Je- sus in me.
I'm so glad that Je- sus lives in my house.
Good to know that He is here with me now.
All of my life Jes- sus in me, Je- sus in my house.
All of my life and al- ways will be.
2. Thank You for the pur- pose You have placed in me.
Thank You for for- give- ness and the chance to start a- gain.
I face the fu- ture know- ing I will be
save and sound with Je- sus in me.
I'm so glad that Je- sus lives in my house.
Good to know that He is here with me now.
All of my life Jes- sus in me, Je- sus in my house.
All of my life and al- ways will be.