Lyrics of
Jesus Doesnt Want Me For A Sunbeam

The song Jesus Doesnt Want Me for a Sunbeam was originally written and recorded by the Scottish band The Vaselines in 1987. The lyrics reflect on the idea of not being good enough for other peoples expectations or religious standards. The song gained further notoriety when it was covered by the band Nirvana on their 1993 album MTV Unplugged in New York, where Kurt Cobain changed the title to Jesus Dont Want Me for a Sunbeam, as a means to express ... his personal views on religion and identity. See more [+]

Jesus, don't want me for a sunbeam
Sunbeams are never made like me
Don't expect me to cry, for all the reasons you had to die
Don't ever ask your love of me

Don't expect me to cry
Don't expect me to lie
Don't expect me to die for thee

Jesus, don't want me for a sunbeam
Sunbeams are never made like me
Don't expect me to cry, for all the reasons you had to die
Don't ever ask your love of me

Don't expect me to cry
Don't expect me to lie
Don't expect me to die for thee

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B -3--3--------3- -1--1---3--1--0- -------1-- ----------

Don't expect me to cry
Don't expect me to lie
Don't expect me to die for thee

Jesus don't want me for a sunbeam
Sunbeams are never made like me
Don't expect me to cry, for all the reasons you had to die
Don't ever ask your love of me
Don't expect me to cry
Don't expect me to lie
Don't expect me to die
Don't expect me to cry
Don't expect me to lie
Don't expect me to die for thee

e -------2--0---- ---------------- ---------- ----------
B -3--3--------3- -1--1---3--1--0- -------1-- ----------
e -------2--0---- ---------------- ---------- -----
B -3--3--------3- -1--1---3--1--0- -------1-- -0---