Lyrics of
It's All About Jesus

It's all about Je - sus,
it's all about the way He changed our lives.
It's all about Jesus; the power of His blood can't be denied.
It's all about Je - sus,
it's all about the covenant He made.
It's all about Jesus; victorious He rose up from the grave.
We lift our hearts to Him; He is the reason that we sing.
Hallelu - jah! Hallelujah!
It's all about Je - sus,
it's all about the way He set us free.
It's all about Jesus bearing all my sin at Calvary.
It's all about Je - sus,
it's all about the gift of love He gave.
It's all about Jesus, the precious Lamb of God for us was slain.
We lift our hearts to Him; He is the reason that we sing.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Hallelujah! We praise Your name!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
We lift our hearts to Him; He is the reason that we sing.