Lyrics of
Invitation To The Blues

Well she's up against the register with an apron and a spatula,
With y esterday's deliveries and the t ickets for the bachelors
She's a mov ing violation from her c onk down to her sh oes,
But it's j ust an invit ation to the b lues
And you f eel just like Cagney, she lo oks like Rita Hayworth
At the co unter of the Schwab's drugstore
You wonder if she might be single, she's a lon er and likes to mingle
Got to be patient, try and pi ck up a clu e
She said "H ow you gonna like 'em, over m edium or scrambled?",
You say "A nyway's the only way", be c areful not to gamble
On a g uy with a suitcase and a ticket getting out of here
In a t ired bus station in an o ld pair of shoes
This ain't no thing but an invit ation to the bl ues
But you can't t ake your eyes off her, get an other cup of java,
And it's jus t the way she pours it for you, joking with the customers
Mercy mercy, Mr. Percy, there ain't no thing back in Jersey
But a bro ken-down jalopy of a m an I left beh ind
And a d ream that I was chasing,
a b attle with booze
And an open invit ation to the b lues
But she used to h ave a sugar daddy and a c andy-apple Caddy,
And a b ank account and everything, accu stomed to the finer things
He probably left her for a socialite, and he di dn't love her 'cept at night,
And th en he's drunk and never even to ld her that he cared
So they took the registration,
And the car-keys and her shoes
And le ft her with an invitat ion to the blues ( solo sax)
'Cause there's a Continental Trailways leaving l ocal bus tonight, good evening
Y ou can have my seat, I'm sticking r ound here for a while
Get me a r oom at the Squire, the f illing station's hiring,
And I can eat here every night, what the h ell have I got to lose?
Got a c razy sensation,
And I'll accept your invita tion to the b lues