Lyrics Im Going To Fight Mit Sigel

I've come shust now to tells you how
I goes mit regimentals,
To SCHLAUCH dem voes of Liberty,
Like dem old Continentals,
Vot fights mit England, long ago,
To save de Yankee Eagle;
Un now I gets mine sojer clothes,
I'm going to fight mit Sigel.

Yaw! daus is drue, I shpeaks mit you,
I'm going to fight mit Sigel.

Ven I comes from de Deutsche Countree,
I vorks somedimes at baking;
Den I keeps a lager bier saloon,
Un den I goes shoe-making;
But now I was a sojer been
To save the Yankee Eagle;
To SCHLAUCH dem tam Secession volks,
I'm going to fight mit Sigel.

Yaw! daus is drue, I shpeaks mit you,
I'm going to fight mit Sigel.

I gets EIN tam big rifle guns,
Un puts him to mine shoulder,
Den march so bold, like a big jack-horse,
Un may been someding bolder;
I goes off mit de volunteers,
To save de Yankee Eagle;
To give dem Rebel vellers fits,
I'm going to fight mit Sigel.

Yaw! daus is drue, I shpeaks mit you,
I'm going to fight mit Sigel.

Dem Deutshen mens, mit Sigel's band,
At fighting have no rival;
Un ven Cheff Davis' mens we meet,
Ve SCHLAUCH 'em like de tuyvil;
Dere's only von ting vot I fear,
Ven pattling for de Eagle:
I vont get not no lager bier,
Ven I goes to fight mit Sigel.

Yaw! daus is drue, I shpeaks mit you,
I'm going to fight mit Sigel.

For rations dey gives salty pork,
I dinks dat was a great sell;
I petter likes de SOUR KROUT,
If Fighting Joe (or Liddle Mac) will give us dem,
Ve'll save de Yankee Eagle;
Un I'll put mine VROU in breechaloons,
To go un fight mit Sigel.

Yaw! daus is drue, I shpeaks mit you,
I'm going to fight mit Sigel.