Lyrics of
If I Had A Million Dollars

If I Had $1000000 by Barenaked Ladies humorously discusses what the protagonist would buy if they had a million dollars. The song became one of the bands most famous tracks and is well-known for its live performances, during which macaroni and Kraft Dinner (referred to in the lyrics) are often thrown into the audience.

If I had a million dollars
(If I had a million dollars)
I'd buy you a house
(I would buy you a house)
If I had a million dollars
(If I had a million dollars)
I'd buy you furniture for your house
(Maybe a nice chesterfield or an ottoman)
If I had a million dollars
(If I had a million dollars)
I'd buy you a K-car
(A nice reliant automobile)
If I had a million dollars, I'd buy your love
If I had a million dollars,
We'd build a tree fort in our yard
If I had a million dollars,
You could help it wouldn't be that hard
If I had a million dollars,
We could put a little tiny fridgerator in there
(We could keep snacks and beverages)
If I had a million dollars
(If I had a million dollars)
I'd buy you a fur coat
(but not a real fur coat that's cruel)
If I had a million dollars
(If I had a million dollars)
I'd buy you an exotic pet
(Like a llama or an emu)
If I had a million dollars
(If I had a million dollars)
I'd buy you John Merrick's remains
(All them crazy elephant bones)
If I had a million dollars, I'd buy your love
If I had a million dollars,
We wouldn't have to walk to the store
If I had a million dollars,
We'd take a limosine cause it costs more
If I had a million dollars,
We wouldn't have to eat Kraft Dinner
(but we would. We'd just eat more)
If I had a million dollars
(If I had a million dollars)
I'd buy you a green dress
(But not a real green dress, that's cruel)
If I had a million dollars
(If I had a million dollars)
I'd buy you some art
(A Picasso or a Garfunkel)
If I had a million dollars
(If I had a million dollars)
I'd buy you a monkey
(Haven't you always wanted a monkey?)
If I had a million dollars, I'd buy your love
If I had a million dollars,
If I had a million dollars
If I had a million dollars,
If I had a million dollars
If I had a million dollars,
I'd be rich