Lyrics I Wish You Realise

Did someone steal all your memories
Can you at least remember something
About how we cared for eachother
Oh wait that was an another
Why do you barely look at me
Is for the blame of ignoring me
I hate seeing your face on my phone
Will this shit last for any long
I wish you realise
That you were part of my life
And that you can't leave from day to night
I wish you realise
That I miss you really bad
And admit that what we had was very nice
I don't wanna think about us
As if we never been that close
I never had a friend like you
And now you have more than two
I swear I don't know why you did
That thing of stopping talking to me
I know that it's not my fault
You are the only one to blame for
I wish you realise
You made the mistake of your life
And that is hard not gossiping at night
I wish you realise
That this is becoming really bad
And that losing eachother is not really nice
I wish you realise
That I liked you in my life
And that sometimes I think about you in the night
I wish you realise
You wanna talk to me when you're bad
And that this distance is everything but nice