Lyrics of
I Want It That Way

I Want It That Way by the Backstreet Boys was created by composers Max Martin and Andreas Carlsson. It is known for being a significant pop ballad of its time, generating widespread commercial and critical success. The song was released as part of the Millennium album in 1999. It topped the charts in more than 25 countries. However, the lyrics and their specific meaning have caused some confusion and debate among listeners and critics.

You are my fire
The one desire
Believe when I say
I want it that way
But we are two worlds apart
Can't reach to your heart
When you say
That I want it that way

Tell me why
(Ain't nothin' but a heartache)
Tell me why
(Ain't nothin' but a mistake)
(Tell me why)
I never wanna hear you say
(I want it that way)

Am I your fire
Your one desire
Yes I know, it's too late
But I want it that way

Tell me why
(Ain't nothin' but a heartache)
Tell me why
(Ain't nothin' but a mistake)
(Tell me why)
I never wanna hear you say
(I want it that way)

Now I can see that we're falling apart
From the way that it used to be, yeah
No matter the distance I want you to know
That deep down inside of me

You are my fire
The one desire
You are
You are, you are, you are (I want it )

Don't wanna hear you (say)
Ain't nothin' but a heartache
Ain't nothin' but a mistake
I never wanna hear you say
I want it that way

Tell me why
Ain't nothin' but a heartache
Tell me why
Ain't nothin' but a mistake
Tell me why
I never wanna hear you say
I want it that way
Tell me why
Ain't nothin' but a heartache
Ain't nothin' but a mistake
Tell me why
I never wanna hear you say
I want it that way
Cause, I want it that way