Lyrics of

tenacious d time you mother * * *er go * * * yeah
And its not just a list of bullshit that we've done in the past
It's a chronicling of our rise to power!
We ride with kings on mighty steeds
Across the devils plain
We've walked with Jesus and his cross
He did not die in vain NO!
We've run with wolves we've climbed K2
Even stopped a moving train
We've traveled through space and time my friends
To rock this house again rock!!
We ride and we ride and we'll never subside
And we'll ride till the planets collide
And if you say that we do not ride
I'll turn you're fucking hide ride!!
Kyle's fingers be silver Jacks voice then be gold
But lest you think we're vain
We know you're all robots and we don't care
We rei-eign supreme ooooh god!!
Burrito supreme and a chicken supreme
And a cutlass supreme
Supreeeeeme yeaaaaaah
Supreeeme yeaaaaaaah!!!
Gonna count 1 2 3
Gonna count 1 2 3
Burrito supreme and a chicken supreme
and a cutlass supreeeme