Lyrics of
He That The Son Hath Set Free

He that the son has set free is free indeed
No more chains of slavery.
Truth has triumphed with liberty
He that the son has set free is free indeed.
I remember standing on the auction block of sin,
Satan controlled me, he had the highest bid.
But the ownership was transferred way back on calvary,
Jesus whispered, "Child I bought you
so that you could be set free."
He that the son has set free is free indeed
No more chains of slavery.
Truth has triumphed with liberty
He that the son has set free is free indeed.
Now I belong to Jesus, I'm a child of the king,
I traded filthy garments for a robe of royalty
The chains that used to bind me are laying at my feet,
You see the devil can't make a lock
That the lord doesn't hold the key.