Lyrics of
From Red To Blue

Another day dawns grey, It's enough to make my spit
Still we go on our way, just putting up with it
And when I try to make my feelings known to you
It sounds like you have changed from red to blue
Well you're a father now, you see things in different ways
For every parent will, gain perspective on their wilder days
But that alone does not explain, the change I see in you
The way you've drifted off from red to blue
Sometimes I think to myself
Should I vote red for my class or green for our children?
But whatever choice I make
So you bought it all, the best your money could buy
And I watched you sell your soul for their bright shining lie
Where are the principles of the friend I thought I knew?
I guess you let them fade from red to blue
I hate the compromises that life forces us to make
We must all bend a little if we are not to break
But the ideals you opted out of, I still hold them to be true
I guess they weren't so firmly held by you.
M a c k a y S c h o o l * * * * * * * * * * * * * ### ### ###
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Cnr Goldsmith St and Bridge Road * * * # # #