Lyrics of
Feet To The Sun

They say it's a waste
A waste of water
Don't let it run through the cracks
But you roll it like a wave
A wall of water
Slides right off your back
By the way
You'll be happy just to learn
I've given up on you
G *
You'll be happy just to learn
I've given up on you e --0--0--2--4h5p4-- these "extra" parts are
Given up on you e --0--0--2--0h2p0-- only one guitar
Down to the river
The river I run
Down to the river
The river I run
Point my face to the water
My feet to the sun
Opening Riff
in the Pre-chorus chords. to play the song solo either eliminate the
then go to the G * (next chord in the Pre-chorus).
G * 355433