Lyrics of
Fascinatng Rhythm

Got a little rhy - thm, a rhy - thm, a rhy - thm
That pitter-pats in my brain,
So darn per - sis - tent, the day is - n't dis - tant
When it'll drive me in - sane;
Comes in the morn - ing, with - out an - y warn - ing
And hangs a - round me all day;
I'll have to sneak up to it, some - day and speak up to it --
I hope it lis - tens when I say
Fas - ci - na - tin' rhy - thm, you've got me on the go;
Fas - ci - na - tin' rhy - thm, I'm all a-quiv - er.
What a mess you're mak - ing, the neigh - bors want to know
Why I'm always shaking, just like a flivver.
Each morning I get up with the sun,
Start a-hop - ping, nev - er stop - ping.
To find, that night, no work has been done.
I know that once it did - n't mat - ter,
But now you're do - ing wrong
When you start to pat - ter, I'm so un - hap - py;
Won't you take a day off, de - cide to run a - long
Some - where far a - way off, and make it snap - py?
Oh, how I long to be the girl I used to be --
Fas - ci - na - tin' rhy - thm,
Oh, won't you stop pick - ing on me?
Contribuição: Murilo Duarte Costa Corrêa([email protected])