Lyrics of

Ahh Yeah Yeahh Is everbody screaming?
Ohhh Yeah Heahh I'm Trying to scream
But no one hear my voice
And no one see what I want
Can you see my hands
Shaking in the air
Please anyone came to me now
To say to me what I have to do
I can felll this lonelyness now
But I can't take it away from me
I can see you
But I can't understand
Is so hard to say?
No or yes
Make me understand
But do something!
I have to scream
I'm alone in this place
I just see the darkness
Ahh Yeah Yeahh Is everbody screaming?
Ohhh Yeah Heahh I'm Trying to hear then voices
But the silence is bigger than my voice
And I can't do anything alone