Lyrics of
David's Song

Where can I go that you are not close behind
Just a shadow of your presence
Oh Lord you know me
Better than I know myself
If I go up to the mountains, you are there
If I make my bed in the bottom of the sea
Surely the nighttime, it will hide me
(But) you are light and you see
And I praise you for everything
'Cause you know when I sit and when I rise
And I praise your name forever
'Cause you, you are the King on high
And I love you more than anything
'Cause you won't let me run away
And I love you no matter where I am
'Cause daddy you are here to stay
You put your hand on my head
You have kissed my cheek
I'm holding still in your presence
Resting my head on your chest
©1999, 2000 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing (Admin. by Music Services)
Submitted By: David Campbell
Ontario Canada