Lyrics of
Creeper Kamikaze

E: -2- -3- -0- -2- -5-
B: -3- -3- -0- -2- -5-
Here is the first vocals: (repeat this twice
Where your headed there is
Here is the Quiet version of the chorus
Sooooo live live on through me
forrrgeeet the crepper kamiiiiiikaazeeee
For the rest of the verse replay the intro once, then it sounds
to me like he's doing some of the same picking as above but in this
Going down on a one way flight
Your just dying to be right
Repeat for Next part of verse
but simply take your index finger off the A string
(2nd string 2nd fret) this works well too Also
E makes more sense :) Use your ear :)
So Live, Live on through me
Its time to forget
The creeper Kamakazi
Here's the quiet bridge part in the middle of the song
comes in Your soul opens wide
(I just palm mute this and keep strumming it
its probably waaay off but it works, or you