Lyrics Coward

My father said son, your country needs you
Come join the kings army in the final breakthrough
The officer told me - shut up and attack
In no mans land sludge I'm firmly stuck
I saw private Baker with his guts in the mud
He called for his mother coughed up blood
I found all my squad mates in a shell hole
They all were dead, shredded as cole

And I ran thru this scorched soil as fast as I can
Threw out all my weapons my helmet and bags
A sudden wave of fear choked me out
I forgot my own name and I had to run
Near the Menin Road Ridge I sat under a tree
When they suddenly stumbled upon me
They said I'm a slacker, I'm a coward and rat
The corporal pulled out his gun and shot me right in the head

My father said son, your country needs you
Come join the kings army in the final breakthrough