Lyrics of
Cold Day In Hell

Said that you'd love me for- ever
Love me 'til the rivers ran dry
Said that we'd be to- gether 'til the stars fell from the sky
We'd love each other 'til hell freezes over and birds no longer fly
If I'm ever gonna wish on a fallin' star, to- night would be a good time to try
I guess we're gonna run outta water
I can't find a bird in the sky
What never should hap- pen is 2/4 happenin' now 4/4
I just heard you tell me goodbye
Don't need to see any- body, feelin' too empty inside
The worlds goin' cra- zy I'm feelin' shakey, I just need a good place to hide
I should have known bet- ter when you said you'd nev- er
Hurt me or tell me a lie
Guess I'd better break out my old winter coat
It's sure gettin' cold for July
I guess we're gonna run outta water
I can't find a bird in the sky
What never should hap- pen is 2/4 happenin' now 4/4
I just heard you tell me goodbye
If you are watchin' wher- ever you are
At the last of the stars as the fell
It's a cold day, a cold day, a cold day in hell