Lyrics of
Cinderella Search

Off the rebound Fumbling all the lines.
The light at the end of the bottle, alcoholic alphabet.
Pete Trewavas : (own reflection)
Thru the looking glass, the proof of my own reflection
Whisper : "Search "
Off the rebound Fumbling all the lines.
Decay, on the vertical hold, with a horizontal in
conversation, needs translation.
Solo 1 (w/Guitar2).-
ÚÄHold bendÄ¿
* = This is the "bend and tap" thing; it's done by first playing the
releasing the tap, and then releasing the bend.
(Continue with Guitar2)
Dreaming bartender's Bourbon and the saxophone out of luck out of charm
I forgive rejections, in cigarrette city
( with Guitar3; Guitar1 and Guitar2 tacet )
( with Guitar4 )
Swam thru the nicotine sea and we exchange the kiss of life
Resurection in a trance, the model, the grail.
In a marquee of promises, I touch the dream,I hold the dream
no more, no moooore
(with Guitar3)
From 3:11 to 4:02, RhyFig1 is repeated 7 times; at the end of the 2nd and
4th time, the keyboard plays Fill2. With that out of the way, I'm gonna
* = Barely Audible.
" Exposing bedside manners on a work extension;
awaiting development of paranoid, polaroid eyes, polaroid eyes.
Maybe it was infatuation or the trill of the chase.
Maybe you were always beyond my reach and my heart was playing safe.
But was that love in your eyes I saw,or the reflection of mine.
I'll never really know for sure, you never really gave me time.
Welcome, back to the circus.
Welcome, back to the circus.
Welcome, back to the circus.
I always use the cue sheets, but never the nets.
Always the cue sheets, but nevertheless,nevertheless,nevertheless
Welcome, back to the circus!!!
Well, maybe it's just me, but I think it's pretty darn close to the