Lyrics of
Christmas Time Again

verse 1
Soft December snow
Nat King Cole on the radio
Boy of 17 on his
Way back from town
verse 2
Tonight we raise a glass
To Christmas present and Christmas past
Prayers that this will last till it
Comes back around
Well, I've been
verse 3
wrapping up a few
Christmas Eve 'to do's'
Window shopping Main Street
Freezing a lot
verse 4
Quick call home to tell
Not to ring that dinner bell
Till I turn my headlights down that
Long snowy drive
I will arrive this is Christmas time
Save a place for me
At the table around the tree
We'll celebrate like family
It's Christmas time again
And with every gift we bring
Let us pray and let us sing
All glory to the newborn king
It's Christmas time again
It's Christmas time again
Verse 5
They think me and my family
Can't be back this Christmas Eve
Baby crying and gas so high
Said I couldn't make that drive
Verse 6
Pick up the telephone
I know that number's home
I can't lie but it was going to be a
Surprise we're leaving tonight this is Christmas time
Save a place for me
At the table around the tree
We'll celebrate like family
It's Christmas time again
And with every gift we bring
Let us pray and let us sing
All glory to the newborn king
It's Christmas time again
It's Christmas time again
I'm going home
This is Christmas time
I'm going home
Verse 7
Many years have had their way
And I sit alone today
Waiting out the season
In the loneliest home
Verse 8
Like music to the ears
Sir I believe your family's here
The face of a child appears
Grandpa we're taking you
Home this is Christmas time
Save a place for me
At the table around the tree
We'll celebrate like family
It's Christmas time again
And with every gift we bring
Let us pray and let us sing
All glory to the newborn king
It's Christmas time again
Save a place for me
At the table around the tree
We'll celebrate like family
It's Christmas time again
And with every gift we bring
Let us pray and let us sing
All glory to the newborn king
It's Christmas time again
It's Christmas time again
It's Christmas time again
Peace on earth
Good will to men
It's Christmas time again?