Lyrics Breathless Breathing

 Here’s the story of a kid
Taking hits and breaking shit
Always seems to get into trouble
Though he tries there’s always
a stumble And I can't help but
see That he looks right through
me Blank stares right into
my eyes Darkness in
place of a bright light
But we can't let them fade
Who will remember their names?

Breathless Breathing
Sleep don't come easy
a--nymore Steal a chair
go anywhere start a
riot damn I don't care
This life I’m leading
Breathless Breathing!

Here's the story of
a girl Squaring up
She reflects just
like a mirror
see clearer And I
know that she won't
One rhyme kept in good time
One line to say goodbye
No don't let me fade
Who will remember my name?

Breathless Breathing
Sleep don't come easy
a--nymore Steal a chair
go anywhere start a
riot damn I don't care
This life I’m leading
Breathless Breathing!

Where there’s light
we will fight All
of those that oppose
World soaring they’re
boring Lives defined
are you blind Where
there’s light that’s
where we'll fight
All of those that
dare oppose World
soaring they’re so
boring Our lives aren’t
defined what the hell
are you blind!

Breathless Breathing
Sleep don't come easy
a--nymore Steal a chair
go anywhere start a
riot damn I don't care
This life I’m leading
Breathless Breathing!