Lyrics of
Born To Lose (ver. 2)

OK this is the CORRECT version of Cash'
Born to lose (not loose). I've submitted
this song before - it was my first transcription-
but there were a lot of faults in it.
I decided to post it again
Thanks to all the people who sent me
corrections and very special thanks to Tom Rivers
for the chords
Born to lose, I've lived my life in vain
Ev'ry dream has only brought me pain
All my life I've always been so blue
Born to lose, and now I'm losing you
Born to lose, it seems so hard to bear
how I long to always have you near
You've grown tired, and now you say we're through
Born to lose, and now I'm losing you
Born to lose, my every hope is gone
It's so hard to face that empty dawn
You were all the happiness I knew
Born to lose and now I'm losing you
There is no use to dream of happiness
All I see is only loneliness
All my life, I've always been so blue
Born to lose, and now I'm losing you
Cash fans are always welcome
for a talk ;-)