Lyrics of
Blessing Of Messiah

Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai El-o-hey-nu Me-lech Ha O Lam
Ba-ruch-a-tah A-do-nai El-o-hey-nu Me-lech Ha-o-lam
A-sher Na-tan La-nu Et Y’shu-a Ha-ma-shee-ach
Ha-de-rech V’-ha E-met V’-ha-cha-yim
A-sher Na-tan La-nu Et Y’shu-a Ha-ma-shee-ach
Ha-de-rech V’-ha E-met V’-ha-cha-yim
English Verse
Praise Be To Our God The Ruler Of The Whole World
Who’s Given Us Yeshua The Way The Truth And Life
Praise Be To Our God The Ruler Of The Whole World
Who’s Given Us Yeshua The Way The Truth And Life
The Way The Truth And The Life
This liturgy piece was written by My Rabbi, Joshua Lessard, Who has given me permission