Lyrics of
Baby Ride Easy

If I drove a truck
And you were a waitress
I ordered coffee
And you poured me some
Then I'd stop by on my way somewhere later
And if we mud-wrestled
I'd say that you won
Ai-eeee-ay my baby, ride easy, ride high in the saddle all day
If your loving is good
Often easy
I'd fall off the wagon and we'll ride away
If you were a pale winsome senorita
And I a bull-fighter, way down in the sand
While the band they kept on playing that Old Caso Dore
Would you throw me a flower
While I take your hand?
Ai-eeee-ay my baby, ride easy, ride high in the saddle all day
If your loving is good
Freaky easy
I'd fall off the wagon and we'll well we'll ride away
If I ran the country
You my first lady
Smoke cigarettes at the end of the day
And spy on civilians and put brown folks in prison
If your dad's got some money
I think I can run
Ai-eeee-ay my baby, ride easy, ride high in the saddle all day
If your loving is good
Frequent and easy
I'd fall off the wagon and we'll ride away