Verse chords
alternately you might like to play these chords in
this position cause you can strike more open strings
Your neck is craned a lazy quarter
from the distance down your back
Other bit of verse (i dont know what else to call it)
broke from the sins of our shoulders
run its motors to waters to struggle and end
*then back to verse chords (play through 2 times)
Im dying to try to stop the wind
leave the leaves left and leave to be
hallowed by my name and my name ours its hours to be where
I know he starts and finishes men I dont know why
Jesus was a fisherman fishing men from the devils hands
and the devil was made red to live a damned life
*then to other bit of verse (play through x2) "my bends they bend my anchor "
Then Play Chorus
then go to the Chorus through to finish).