Lyrics of
Among The Oak And Ash

Among the oak and ash there grows
A flower in the fold
So it is that love itself
A story often told
verse 2
Of carpenters and kings, alike
Of rich men and of poor
Some will travel this whole wide world
And take out nothing more
verse 3
If I could live a thousand years
I would not rightly know
The workings of my true love's heart
Why she had to go
verse 4
I asked her parents where she was
But they just stood there, cold
So, without reply, I turned around
And I was never told
Verse 5
Winter passed and Spring was here
Summer had an end
A letter came to me today
Written in her hand
Verse 6
Goodbye, dear, forgive me
I cannot ask enough
I understand now every soul
Who ever died for love
I understand now every soul
Who ever died for love