I'll tell you, girl, I'm gonna tell you now
If you don't want me, please don't dog me around
If you don't want me, don't dog me 'round
My home ain't here, it's in most any old town
My home ain't here, it's in most any old town
My home ain't here, it's most any old town
I'm goin' up on a mountain and look down on the sea
Saw a bullyin'1 gator, she was doin' that shivaree
Saw a bullyin' gator doin' the shiva-ree
Tell me, friend, ever since-that-bullyin'-Stack been made
Kansas City, Missouri, has been her regular trade
Kansas City, Missouri, been her reg'lar trade
The Kate's been suspended, Stack's turnin' around and 'round
The ste'rn wheel knockin', friend, I'm Alabama bound
The ste'rn wheel knockin', I'm Alaba-ma bound