Lyrics of
Across the Alley From the Alamo

Across the alley from the Al - a - mo
Lived a pin - to pony and a Nav - a - jo
Who sang a sort of In - di - an "Hi - de - ho"
To the peo - ple pas - sin' by.
The pinto spent his time a - swish - in' flies
And the Nav - a - jo watched the la - zy skies
And very rarely did they ever rest their eyes
On the peo - ple pas - sin' by.
One day, they went a walk - in'
A - long the rail - road track;
They were swish - in' not a - look - in' --
Toot! Toot! -- they never came back.
Oh, across the alley from the Al - a - mo
When the summer sun decides to set - tle low
A fly sings an In - di - an "Hi - de - ho"
To the peo - ple pass - ing by.
Across the alley from the Al - a - mo
Lived a pin - to pony and a Nav - a - jo
Who used to bake fri - jo - les in corn - meal dough
For the peo - ple pass - ing by.
They thought that they would make some ea - sy bucks
By washin' their fri - jo - les in Duz and Lux,
A pair of very con - sci - en - tious clucks
To the peo - ple pass - in' by.
Then they took this cheap va - ca - tion,
Their shoes were pol - ished bright;
Toot! Toot! they're clear out of sight
Oh, across the alley from the Al - a - mo,
When the starlight beams its ten - der glow,
The beams go to sleep and then there ain't no dough
For the peo - ple pass - in' by.
One day, they went a walkin'
A - long the rail - road track;
They were swishin' not a-lookin'--
Toot! Toot!, they never came back.
Oh, across the alley from the Al - a - mo
When the summer sun decides to set - tle low
A fly sings an In - di - an "Hi - de - ho"
To the peo - ple pass - in' by.
Across the alley from the Al - a - mo.