Lyrics A New Heart

Right by your disorientation stands your creator
saying I know who you are, I'll show you the way
In the midst of your heartache stands your saviour
I am the potter, he says and you are the clay

So let me shape you
form and create in you
a new heart

she's been anxious forever, she's been crying for days
she's been waiting for you to take it away
and you tell her you love her but the questions won't go
then at midnight you whisper -I will make you whole

if you let me shape you
form and create in you
a new heart

Watch me making all things new
beautiful and just for you
I give a heart that's just like mine
that breaks for people all the time x 2

if you let me shape you
form and create in you
a new heart
so please let me shape you
form and create in you
a new heart