Lyrics of
A Break In The Clouds

Aaaaaaaaaaah, I'm on again
One momentary set-back
Well, you know
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand like before
I'm hiding more I show
But IIIIII,I just wanted you to know
A break in the clouds
Means something to me
Means something to me
I don't know what
A shot in the dark
Means something to me
A lot
Aaaaaaa, I'm back again
A temporary shut-down
Well, you know
Aaaaaaand like before
We're making of story as we you go
And IIIIII, I just wanted you to know
A fork in the road
Means nothing to me
Means nothing to me
I don't know why
I turn of events
Means nothing to me
When I do appreciate you being there for me
I can't make it any other way
Yea I I just wanted you to know
A break in the clouds
Means something to me
Means something to me
I dont know what
A shot in the dark
Means something to me
A lot