Zebra Dun

Key: D

Introduction: D    

D                                                                                            A7                                      D  
We were camped on the plains at the head of the Cimmaron
D                                                                              Bm                                      A  
When along came a stranger and stopped to arger some.
D                                                         F#m                                      G                                    D  
He looked so very very foolish that we began to look around,
D                                                                                                    A7                                         D  
We thought he was a greenhorn that had just escaped from town.
D                                                                                                                            A7                            D  
We asked him if he had he been to breakfast  he hadn't had a sniff 
D                                                                              Bm                                      A  
So we opened up the chuck-box and told him help himself.
        D                                 F#m                                         G                                            D  
He took a little beefsteak and some biscuits and some beans,
D                                                                                                 A7                                         D  
And then began to talk and tell about foreign kings and queens,
D                                                                                            A7                                            D  
He talked about the Spanish War and fighting on on the seas
D                                                                                            Bm                                 A  
With guns as big as beef steers and ramrods big as trees,
D                                 F#m                            G                                            D  
And about old Paul Jones, a fighting son of a gun,
D                                                                                                              A7                              D  
And he said he was the grittiest cuss that ever pulled a gun.
D                                                                         A7                                                    D  
Such an educated feller, his thoughts just come in herds,
D                                                                                                         Bm                            A  
He astonished all them cowboys with them jaw-breaking words.
D                                                      F#m                                 G                                            D  
He just kept right on talking till he made the boys all sick
D                                                                                         A7                              D  
And they began to look around just how to play a trick.
D                                                                                 A7                                 D  
He said he had lost his job out upon the Santa Fe
D                                                                                         Bm                         A  
And was going across the plains to strike the 7-D.
D                                                      F#m                                         G                                         D  
But he didn't say how come it, just some trouble with his boss,
D                                                                              A7                                    D  
But said he'd like to borrow a nice fat saddle hoss.
D                                                                                                    A7                                                    D  
This tickled all the boys to death  we laughed down in their sleeves
D                                                                                         Bm                                         A  
Said that he could have a horse as fresh as he would please.
D                                                 F#m                         G                                      D  
So shorty grabbed a lasso and he roped the Zebra Dun
D                                                                                      A7                                 D  
And led him to the stranger as we waited for the fun.
D                                                                                         A7                                 D  
Now Old Dunny was an outlaw he had grown so awful wild
D                                                                                                                    Bm                      A  
He could paw the white out of the moon every jump for a mile.
D                                                                 F#m                      G                                    D  
And he always stood right still, just like he didn't know
D                                                              A7                            D  
Until he was saddled and ready for to go.
D                                                                                                         A7                                 D  
Now the stranger hit the saddle, and old Dunny quit the earth,
D                                                                                         Bm                                    A  
He went straight up in the air for all that he was worth.
D                                    F#m                            G                                            D  
D                                                                                                            A7                                         D  
With his hind feet perpendicular, and his front ones in the bit.
D                                                                                            A7                                      D  
Now we could see the tops of trees beneath him every jump,
D                                                                                                            Bm                                      A  
But the stranger he was growed there just like the camel's hump 
D                                                 F#m                         G                                         D  
And he sat up there upon him and curled his black moustache,
D                                                                         A7                                    D  
Just like a summer boarder a-waiting for his hash.
D                                                                                                      A7                                              D  
Now he thumped him in the shoulders and spurred him when he whirled,
D                                                                                                 Bm                                      A  
He showed us flunky punchers he's the wolf of this old world.
D                                              F#m                         G                                    D  
and when he had dismounted once again upon the ground,
D                                                                                                 A7                                    D  
Why we knew he was a thoroughbred and not a gent from town.
D                                                                                         A7                                      D  
Now the boss he was standing and a watching all the show,
D                                                                                 Bm                                    A  
He walks right up to him and he asks him not to go
D                                                 F#m                              G                                    D  
"If you can use the lasso like you rode the Zebra Dun,
             D                                                                                            A7                                         D  
Then you're the man I've looked for ever since the year of one."
D                                                                                    A7                            D  
Well he could use a lasso and he didn't do it slow 
D                                                                                    Bm                              A  
The cattle they stampeded he was always on the go.
D                                            F#m                                      G                                                 D  
A one thing and a sure thing that I learned since I was born,
D                                                              A7                          &nbs