Key: E
Em Am Em
Now listen, you, drunken driver while here on earth you dwell
Am Em B7 Em
You never know when the time to come when you'll have to say fare- well
Em Am Em Am Em
I saw an accident one day, would charm the hearts of man
Am Em B7 Em
And teach him never to drink and drive with a steerin' wheel in his hand
Em Am Em
This awful accident occurred on the twentieth day of May
Am Em B7 Em
And caused to lovin' children to sleep beneath the clay
Em Am Em
These two dear kids walked side by side out on a state high- way
Am Em B7 Em
Their lovin' mother, she had died and their father had run a- way
Em Am Em
They were talking of their loving parents, how sad their hearts did feel
Am Em B7 Em
When a- round the curve came a speedin' car with a drunk man at the wheel
Em Am Em
The driver saw these two dear kids and hooted a drunkard sound
Am Em B7 Em
?Get out of the road, you, little fools? and the car had brought them down
Am Em B7 Em
Em Am Em
The driver staggered from his car to see what he had done
Am Em B7 Em
His heart sank with- in him when he saw his dyin' son
Em Am Em
He then picked up his little one and carried him to his car
Am Em B7 Em
Then leanin' on the runnin' board, he prayed a drunkard's prayer
Em Am Em
Sayin', ?Please, oh Lord, forgive me for this awful crime I've done?
Am Em B7 Em
His at- tention then was called away to the words of his dyin' son
Em Am Em
Sayin' ?Take us to our mother, Dad. She sleeps be- neath the ground
Am Em B7 Em
It was you and her we was talkin' about when the car had knocked us down?
Em Am Em
?And please, dear Dad, don't drink no more while drivin' on your way
Am Em B7 Em
But meet us with our mother, Dad, in heaven some sweet day?