Key: D
Introduction: D5 D
D5 D D5
Hey, Johnny. You Alright? You seem a bit shaken.
D Bm
Your hearts beaten fast. What have you taken?
G A D5
Come on, Johnny. Look at me. Look in my eyes. What did you do?
D5 D
Take it easy, Johnny. Don?t go too fast.
D5 Bm
If you keep this up, ya know, you?re not gonna last.
G A D5
Just take it slow. Here, grab my hand. We gotta go.
D5 D D5
Hey there, Johnny. You?re going down. Your legs are falling out from under you.
Bm G
You?re gonna hit the ground. You?re gonna hit the dirt.
A D5
Put your hands out or it?s gonna hurt.
D5 D D5
Just stay down, Johnny. Don?t try to get up. They?ll be here in a second.
Bm G
We?ll have to tell them what?s up. Don?t be scared. Don?t be mad.
A D5
You?ll be fine. Don?t be sad. Just don?t break.
D5 D D5 D
I hear the sirens, Johnny. They're gonna be here soon. Just close your eyes.
Think of something peaceful.
G A D5
And just try to sooth that old crazy mind.
D5 D
Listen to me, Johnny. They're gonna take you away.
D5 Bm
So just find a happy place like a beach on the bay.
Take it easy, John. I'll be home when you get back.
They're rolling you away.
D5 D(repeat