Introduction: Am Ab+ C D Dm Am B7 E
When I met you I was 12
And I was dumb and insecure
And I didn't know what all I couldn't possibly infer
Dm Am
All the chaos and destruction, all the shit that would ensure
B7 E
All the harm that I'd cause you
You were protective, you were chivalrous
And altogether good
You were someone I could marry
That my parents thought I should
Dm Am
Let into my life, my genes, my soul and you wanted that too
B7 E
And look what I did to you
Am Ab+
So go ahead and shoot me with your motherfucking gun
I deserve to be pumped full of lead for all the shit I've done
Dm Am
I ruined your whole life like I thought you ruined mine
B7 E
It was my fault the entire fucking time
Am Ab+
So go ahead and shoot me with your motherfucking gun
I deserve to be pumped full of lead for all the shit I've done
Dm Am
I ruined your whole life like I thought you ruined mine
B7 E
It was my fault the entire fucking time
Am Ab+
You angered me eventually, you drove me up the wall
And by that I mean you made me think I wasn't sane at all
Dm Am
I cut my hair, you cut your wrists, at least you told me that you did
B7 E
God, we were both such stupid kids
Am Ab+
At some point, I had realized my life was living hell
So I went and blamed you for it, for my friends' nightmares as well
Dm Am
I cut my hair and dyed it the same day I cut you off
B7 E
Turns out everyone else had the same thought
Am Ab+
So go ahead and shoot me with your motherfucking gun
I deserve to be pumped full of lead for all the shit I've done
Dm Am
I broke your heart and left you friendless, I never wanted you to be
B7 D
It was an accident I know you won't believe
Am Ab+
So go ahead and shoot me with your motherfucking gun
I deserve to be pumped full of lead for all the shit I've done
Dm Am
I broke your heart and left you friendless, I never wanted you to be
B7 E
It was an accident I know you won't believe
Am Ab+
So yeah, you cracked the code, I'm a stone-cold heartless bitch
I'm a bad liar who somehow brainwashed everyone to think
Dm Am
That I'm completely innocent and fucked you up for fun
B7 E
And spat in your face when I was done
Am Ab+
God, what I would give to genuinely think
That I'm the good guy here and to not be on the brink
Dm Am
Of gouging my damn eyes out and throwing up my lungs
B7 E
Because of guilt from shit I haven't even done
Am Ab+
So go ahead and shoot me with your motherfucking gun
I deserve to be pumped full of lead for all the shit I've done
Dm Am
You're such a cunt, you made me think that I'm a threat to public health
B7 E
Hurry up, before I do it my damn self
Am Ab+
So go ahead and shoot me, I'm not scared anymore
You've gotten this far killing me, there's just a little more
Dm Am
I'm already dead, just pull the trigger, you've destroyed my mental health
B7 E
I'm not afraid to see the face of death itself
E7 Am
I'm not afraid to see the face of death itself