Am F7+ C
When I consider Your Heavens, the work of Your fingers,
Dm Em F
The moon and the stars which You ordained
F Am C
What is man that You are mindful of him?
F Am Dm E
And the son of man that You visit him? (to chorus)
Am C Dm Am Dm E7
Oh Lord, our Lord how excellent is Your name in all of the earth
Am G Am F
Oh Lord how excellent is Your name (Repeat)
Am F7+ C
And the avenger, You still with the praises of singers,
Dm Em F
The infants and babes who You ordained
F Am C
What is man that You are mindful of him
F Am Dm E
And the son of man that You visit him? ( to chorus)
Am C Dm Am Dm E7
Oh Lord, our Lord how excellent is Your name in all of the earth
Am G Am F
Oh Lord how excellent is Your name (Repeat)
A7 Dm C Em Am
Your name given so freely for us to claim, the name Yeshua
Am Em F
You came a little lower than the angels. To humble Yourself
C G C G Dm E
Only to be exalted&hellip &hellip &hellip ..exalted (to chorus and end)
Am C Dm Am Dm E7
Oh Lord, our Lord how excellent is Your name in all of the earth
Am G Am F
Oh Lord how excellent is Your name (Repeat)