Mr. Lincoln

Key: A


             A                         E                                                    D  
Mr. Lincoln I wish you were here
A                                              E                                                      D  
The Republics changed alot in a hundred years
A                                         E                                                         D  
I don't think its working like you planned
A                                      E                                         D  
Mr Lincoln we sure could use a hand
D                                                 A                                                    G  
I just read the headlines in the Nashville News
D                                                 A                                                    G  
And I wish i made this up but im afraid its true
D                                      A                                                                         G  
                                                        D                                                            A                                              G  
He was takin his wife to a nice place to eat
D                                                         A                                              G  
When they caught the man he did 23 months of time
                                                             A                                              G  
He plead insanity like they do now all the time
D                                            A                                      G  
Sir what would you have done in 1859
D                                                    A                                                                            G  
now if you shoot someone sir you can get off scott free
D                                                 A                                                            G  
its the latest thing mr Lincoln can you believe
D                                                         A                                      G  
Now they sue the manufactures of the guns
D                                              A                                            E  
aint the law changed alot since 1861
Repeat chorus
D                                         A                                         G  
I just heard the new story on the radio
D                                                    A                                                            G  
they let dangerous men outta prison now yes sir im afraid its so
D                                                              A                                              G  
cause theyre overcrowded and it was only his fifth offense
                                                                                                                                             D                                                                    A                                                                 G  
and this time hes killed someone does that make any sense
D                                                 A                                                              G  
Now my lawyer called me about a nuisance case
D                                              A                                                                      G  
Cause everybody sues over any little thing these days
                  D                                                                                                                                                                                                              A                                                              G  
well at least we're right all we gotta do is tell the truth
D                                                 A                                                         G  
he said youre living in the past you romantic fool
D                                                    A                                                                            G  
i said you got that right i lean toward the older ways
D                                            A                                                         E  
And theres damn few back woods lawyers left today
repeat chorus 2x