Eu Sei Que Vou Te Amar

Eu Sei Que Vou Te Amar was composed by Vinícius de Moraes and Antônio Carlos Jobim. This song reflects the intensity of love even in the foresight of suffering and absence, evoking a promise of eternal and unwavering love. It is considered one of the most beautiful songs in Brazilian music, symbolizing the strength of love in the face of lifes adversities.

Key: G

Introduction: G7    

very hard |||||
        C7+                                            Ebº  
Eu sei que vou te amar
Por toda a minha vida
Eu vou te amar
                                     Gm7                                 C7  
Em cada despedida eu vou te amar
                             F7+              Fm6  
Desesperadamente eu sei que vou te amar
Em7         Ebº      Dm         G7            Em7(5-)  A7(5+)  
E cada verso meu será pra te      dizer
Que eu sei que vou te amar
Por toda minha vida
        C7+                                         Ebº  
Eu sei que vou chorar
                                             Dm                                         G7  
A cada ausência tua eu vou chorar
                                          Gm7                         C7  
Mas cada volta tua há de apagar
                                                F7+                      Fm6  
O que esta tua ausência me causou
        Em7                                         Ebº  
Eu sei que vou sofrer
                                        Em7(5-)                      A7  
A eterna desventura de viver
                                          Dm                                      G7  
A es..pera de viver ao lado teu

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