Dust Of Urazgan

Key: C


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                    C9change                                G-  Dline  
Dust Of Uruzghan ? Fred Smith
D                                                                                                                    C9  
In the ring they called me ?Warlord?, my mother calls me Paul
G                                                                                                            D  
You can call me Private Warren when your filing your report
D                                                                                                                    C9  
As to how I came to be here this is what I understand
G                                                                                                            D  
In this hospital in Germany from the Dust of Uruzgan
D                                                                                            C9  
I had just turned 28, just bought a new car
G                                                                                                            D  
When I joined the first Battalion of the Big One RAR
D                                                                                                      C9  
We were next up for deployment into south Afghanistan
G                                                                                                            D  
To combat the insurgence in the Dust of Uruzgan
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It took seven months of training just to get into the joint
G                                                                                                            D  
There were pushups and procedures there was death by power point
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Then the RSOI course in Ali Al Salaam
G                                                                                                            D  
But nothing can prepare you for the Dust of Uruzgan
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Me and Benny sat together flying into Kandahar
G                                                                                                            D  
Sucked back on our near beers in the Camp Baker Bar
D                                                                                                 C9  
Then up at 0530 we were on the Herc and out
G                                                                                                            D  
Twenty flying minutes we were in to Tarin Kowt
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We shook hands as the boys Ripped out from MRTF one
G                                                                                                            D  
And pretty soon were out patrolling in the Afghan summer sun
D                                                                                                                    C9  
Walking through the green zone with a Styer in my hand
G                                                                                                            D  
Body armor chafing through the dust of Uruzgan
D                                                                                                                    C9  
We started up near Chora working 14 hours a day
G                                                                                                            D  
Mentoring a Kandak from the Afghan 4th brigade
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Down through the Baluchi into eastern Dorafshan
G                                                                                                            D  
Working under open skies in the dust of Uruzgan
D                                                                                                                    C9  
It?s a long way from Townsville not like any place you?ll see
G                                                                                                            D  
Suddenly you?re walking through from the 14th century
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Women under burkhas, tribal warlords rule a land
G                                                                                                            D  
Full of goats, and huts and jingle trucks is the Dust of Uruzgan
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And the Education Minister can neither read nor write
G                                                                                                            D  
And Minister for Women runs the knock shop there at night
D                                                                                                                    C9  
They?ve been fighting here forever over water, food and land
G                                                                                                            D  
Murdering each other in the dust of Uruzgan
D                                                                                                                    C9  
There?s nothing about this province that?s remotely fair or just
G                                                                                                            D  
worse than the corruption is the endless f# *%!ing dust
D                                                                                                                    C9  
Its as fine as talcum powder on the ground and in the air
G                                                                                                            D  
And it gets in to your eyes and it gets in to your hair
D                                                                                                                    C9  
And it gets in to your weapon and it gets in to your boots
G                                                                                                            D  
When bureaucrats all show up here it gets in to their suits
D                                                                                                                    C9  
It gets in the machinery and foils every plan
G                                                                                                            D  
Theres some quite symbolic about the dust of Uruzgan
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Still the people can be gracious and they?re funny and their smart
G                                                                                                            D  
And When the children look into your eyes they walk into your heart
D                                                                                                                    C9  
They face each day with courage and each year without a plan
G                                                                                                            D  
Beyond scratching for survival in the Dust of Uruzgan
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But the Taliban are ruthless keep the people terrorized
G                                                                                                            D  
With roadside bombs and    hangings and leaving letters in the night
D                                                                                                                    C9  
And they have no useful vision for the children of this land
G                                                                                                            D  
But to keep them praying on their knees in the Dust of Uruzgan
D                                                                                                                    C9  
It was a quiet Saturday morning when the 2 Shop made a call
G                                                                                                            D  
On a compound of interest to the east of COP Mashal
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We had some information they were building IED?s
G                                                                                                            D  
So we cordoned and we searched it in accord with SOPs
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I was on the west flank picket, propped there with Ben
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