Down On The Corner

Down On The Corner by Creedence Clearwater Revival tells the story of a fictional band named Willy and the Poorboys, playing on the corner to cheer people up. The inspiration came from John Fogertys ability to craft stories in his songs, along with a simplicity that resonates with folksy and blue-collar themes.

Key: C


 C                       G                 C 
Early in the evenin' , just about supper time.  Over by the courthouse,
         G               C      F                         C 
they' re starting to unwind.  Four kids on the corner, trying to bring you up.
                               G                C 
Willy picks a tune out and he blows it on the harp.

 F            C        G           C                       F             C 
Down on the corner, out in the street.  Willy and the Poorboys are playin' ,
          G                C 
bring a nickel, tap your feet.

 C                                G                  C 
Rooster hits the washboard, and people just gotta smile.  Blinky thumps the
              G            C        F                              C 
gut bass and solos for a while.  Poorboy twangs the rhythm out on his
                                             G              C 
Kalamazoo.  And Willy goes into a dance and doubles on Kazoo.

 F            C        G           C                       F             C 
Down on the corner, out in the street.  Willy and the Poorboys are playin' ,
          G                C 
bring a nickel, tap your feet.
  Riff 1        Riff 1       Riff 2        Riff 1
 F            C        G           C                       F             C 
Down on the corner, out in the street.  Willy and the Poorboys are playin' ,
          G                C 
bring a nickel, tap your feet.
  Riff 1        Riff 1       Riff 2        Riff 1

 C                       G               C 
You don' t need a penny just to hang around.  But if you got a nickel, won' t
      G              C       F                    C 
you lay your money down.  Over on the corner, there' s a happy noise.
                                 G               C 
People come from all around to watch the magic boy.

 F            C        G           C                       F             C 
Down on the corner, out in the street.  Willy and the Poorboys are playin' ,
          G                C 
bring a nickel, tap your feet.
 F            C        G           C                       F             C 
Down on the corner, out in the street.  Willy and the Poorboys are playin' ,
          G                C 
bring a nickel, tap your feet.
 F            C        G           C                       F             C 
Down on the corner, out in the street.  Willy and the Poorboys are playin' ,
          G                C 
bring a nickel, tap your feet.
 F            C        G           C                       F             C 
Down on the corner, out in the street.  Willy and the Poorboys are playin' ,
(fade out)