Introduction: E7+ D7+
E7+ D7+ E7+ D7+
We need so damn many things
E7+ D7+ E7+ D7+
To keep our dazed lives go-ing
E7+ D7+ E7+ D7+
Ma-ny things to keep our lives
E7+ D7+ E7+ D7+
Lives go - ing, so many things
E7+ D7+ E7+ D7+
We need so damn many things
E7+ D7+ E7+ D7+
To keep our stupid lives go-ing
E7+ D7+ E7+ D7+
Ma-ny things to keep our lives
E7+ D7+ E7+ D7+
Lives go - ing, so many things
E7+ D7+
E7+ D7+ E7+ D7+
We can be bound, run a-round
E7+ D7+ E7+ D7+
Fooled an-imal bite its tail
E7+ D7+ E7+ D7+
A-ni - mal, he has been bound
E7+ D7+ E7+ D7+
Run a - round, a-round and round
E7+ D7+ E7+ D7+
We need so damn many things
E7+ D7+ E7+ D7+
To keep our dazed lives go-ing
E7+ D7+ E7+ D7+
Ma-ny things to keep our lives
E7+ D7+ E7+ D7+
Lives go - ing, so many things
E7+ D7+
E7+ D7+ E7+ D7+
Ma-ny things to keep our lives
E7+ D7+ E7+ D7+
Lives go - ing, so many things
E7+ D7+
Bm7 Am7
E7+ D7+