Artist Töxic <img src="" width="20" height="15" alt="null" title="null" onerror="this.src=''">

Töxic null

Toxic is the name of (at least) five artists: An American Hip-Hop artist from Charlotte, an Israeli psychedelic-trance producer, a romanian hard n' heavy band, a Norwegian rock-group, a german short-term indie-rock apparition, an austrian hiphop producer and a South Korean rock band. Toxic (real name Kevin Moss) was born in Charlotte, NC and started out doing horrorcore. He was featured on Project Born's mixtape "Work Vol. II". Kevin later in 20 ... 11 released his first CD called "Lucid Dreams" and will be doing show all around NC in mid 2011. Toxic is Avi Aboresi from Israel. This project started in 2001 as a dark metal influenced trance and evolved involved into a powerful dancefloor trance. Toxic has collaborated with artists such as Azax Syndrom, Psychotic Micro, Abomination, Winter Demon, Seroxat and others. His releases can be found in labels such as Time Code, Acidance, Yabai, Pi, and more. Trupa Toxic are la baza un grup de prieteni, adunati din placerea de a canta rock. Marius ("Aripil", voce), Ovidiu ("Frankie", bas) si Bogdan (chitara) se cunosc inca dinainte de revolutie. Adolescenti fiind, locuiau in aceeasi zona si ascultau cam aceeasi muzica (rock, in masura in care se putea pe vremea aceea). In anii de dupa revolutie Aripil a incercat sa puna pe picioare o trupa impreuna cu Frankie (pe atunci la chitara). In acea perioada Bogdan canta cu Hades (death metal) si mai apoi cu Exil (heavy metal, aici a cantat o vreme si Frankie). Pe la mijlocul anilor '90, o prima incercare a Toxic-ului a constat din Aripil la voce, Frankie si Bogdan la chitari si Joe la tobe. Din pacate n-am reusit sa gasim un basist stabil, si acest lucru, alaturi de chestiuni legate de scule (n-aveam), de sala de repetitii adecvata (n-aveam) si de diverse alte probleme (de astea aveam) au facut ca trupa sa intre pe linia moarta. Fiecare si-a vazut de drumul lui, cu servici, cu familie etc. In vara lui 2004 am pus din nou trupa pe picioare. Cu Aripil la voce, Bogdan la chitara si Frankie trecut la bas ne-am pus pe treaba. Am repetat, am facut piese, am cantat in cluburi timisorene, nu ne-am lasat descurajati de faptul ca nu gaseam un baterist stabil (din 2004 pana acum am schimbat cinci). Acum alaturi de noi se afla la tobe Calin (ex B-Ton), un om cu o bogata experienta muzicala, care a dat un nou suflu trupei si alaturi de care privim cu optimism spre viitor. Toxic is a norwegian rockband situated in the town of Stavanger. Everything started back in may 2003. The Band members got together and quickly established their own sound. You`ll allways find a lot of contrasts and dynamic in their music, and Toxic is always searching for "the inner human psychic" in their lyrics. There`s a obvious link to bands from the 1970s and up until today. They released their first and only album, stil, "Intoxicated" November 2005. Toxic are/were Martin Gretschmann (now widely known as the head of console), Alex Fischer, Christian Schröcker and Mathias Laub who produced some kind of guitarpop which moved around between noisy rock and their amplified electronic melodies. See more [+]


