Singer Tim Reynolds <img src="" width="20" height="15" alt="us" title="us" onerror="this.src=''"> > S

Tim Reynolds us > S

Born in Wiesbaden, Germany, the son of a devoutly religious military man, Tim spent much of his childhood moving-from Alaska to St. Louis and through much of the Bible-belt Midwest. In a statement by Reynolds, "I come from nowhere mostly. My dad was in the Army so we moved around alot. Germany is where I was born, and after that we lived on a farm in Indiana, then on an army base in Alaska, then to Kansas, then to Missouri, where we lived the lo ... ngest (thus the nowhere). Then I moved to Virginia, and I was there for 17 years or so. Now I live in New Mexico and this is the best place I could be. I mostly come from space." As the child of pious, fiercely conservative parents, Reynold's musical introduction began at age 12, playing electric bass before writhing congregations of ecstatic worshippers three times a week (over 1000 times) until his high school graduation. Tiring of the constraints of imposed conservatism, he secretly plunged into jazz and "forbidden" late '60s and early '70s psychedelic rock. At age 18, he left home to join a group of "experimental" musicians. After absorbing much from them and the dozen other bands (from disco to country) that followed, he eventually settled in Charlottesville, Virginia. There he founded TR3. It was in this environment that Tim Reynolds could explore his art, with impromptu performances on sitar, solo jazz guitar, solo djembe, twelve string guitar, violin, and mandolin. Tim's influences, which include Carlos Santana, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley, Nine Inch Nails, and Led Zeppelin, among others, are indirectly felt in the fabric of Tim's power trio and solo projects. Overall, Reynolds is a guitarist who rises above the mere mastery of chops to a virtual state of communion with his instrument. Reynolds makes use of every capacity the guitar possesses. He has brought a whole new sensibility to his instrument with his wide-ranging musical ability. From progressive rock, straight-up jazz and high-powered funk fusion guitar, to bass, piano, sitar, mandolin, violin, and a plethora of ethnic percussion instruments. When this self-taught musician performs it is a symphony of the senses. After 17 or so years in Charlottesville, Virginia, Tim now resides in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and as Tim stated, "It is the best place I could be." See more [+]

