Band The Legends <img src="" width="20" height="15" alt="us" title="us" onerror="this.src=''">

The Legends us

There are at least 3 groups called the Legends 1) In 2003 The Legends masqueraded as a nine-piece pop orchestra playing local gigs in Stockholm, Sweden. That was the official story, anyway. The truth is that all 4 albums: Up Against The Legends, Public Radio, Facts And Figures and Over & Over were recorded, written, played and produced by arranger, studio wizard and one-man band Johan AngergÄrd (of Acid House Kings & Club 8 fame), who explains, ... "When I start recording an album I have a very clear idea of what I want to do, and by doing everything myself the album comes out exactly the way I want it to. Involving other people might only blur the vision." All of the band's work is released on popular Swedish indie pop label, Labrador. 2) The Legends, Milwaukee, WI, United States, 62-66 Pop/Rock 3) The Legends, Holland, MI, United State 66-67 Garage Rock See more [+]

