An alternative Pop/Rock band from Linköping/Stockholm was officially formed on December 16, 2002, by Tobias Forge (guitar/vocals), Gustaf Lindström (bass) and Thomas Daun (drums). With the intention of creating emotionally moving, weird and pop driven music, in stark contrast to the threesomes other band at the time, Repugnant. Upon forming Subvision, a year of developing followed creating songs, rehearsing and refining their act prior to making ... their stage debut on November 8, 2003. Initially, the band went through different stages of imagery and masqueradory, trying to extend the content of the music. In contrary to a result wished for, audiences were confused with the bands´ intentions thus further attempts to enhance the shows with theatrics and such gradually faded away. After all, it was agreed that Subvisions music and words speak louder than any costume worn by their members. In December 2004, their plastic debut came in form of The Killing Floor EP, a four song cd to introduce the band to the world with. Reactions from the ones who were given it bought it or wrote about it was very positive. Throughout the band's history, a problem has been a second guitarist. After episodes with Torbjörn Brynedal or Franz Cedrins filling this vacancy, Martin Persner took the role of a fulltime member as guitarist in Subvision in August 2005 (although he actually filled in for a short tour already in December the previous year).See more [+]