Band Samsas Traum <img src="" width="20" height="15" alt="de" title="de" onerror="this.src=''"> > E

Samsas Traum de > E

Samsas Traum started in 1996 when Kaschte released his first solo tape. Three years later the solo project became a group of three, and their official debut Die Liebe Gottes - Eine märchenhafte Black Metal Operette (The Love of God - A fairy tale-like black metal Operetta) divided the scene: Some people said that ST was the best newcomer of the year, other people rather started to hate them, at least also because of some provocative statements by ... Alexander Kaschte. The follow-up appeared in 2000 with Oh Luna mein (O, Luna mine); a musically matured and varied album of more polished arrangements, balanced instrumentation and beautiful choir-parts. In this time Alexander went on to create his darker alter-ego Weena Morloch, which was more noise music based, and included samples from horror movies. Many more Samsas Traum albums have been released each year, with more Industrial/Classical arrangements. The two new albums which have been released in November 2007 were also heading new and old ways: While the first Album Heiliges Herz - Das Schwert Deiner Sonne was most likely a Black Metal-Epos, Wenn schwarzer Regen was an acoustic and very personal one. The limited first edition of Heiliges Herz("Holy Heart") came in a special book format and a slipcase with silver foil embossing. The 44 booklet pages were bound in linen and made of a special paper with a lacquer print and contained lyrics, liner notes, many photos illustrations exclusively done for the album. Additionally there was a bonus CD which contained remixes by In Strict Confidence, L'Âme Immortelle, Pain, P·A·L, Wumpscut and unreleased songs and material from Alexander Kaschte's archives. See more [+]

