Artist Nudozurdo <img src="" width="20" height="15" alt="es" title="es" onerror="this.src=''"> > F

Nudozurdo es > F

Nudozurdo was born in Madrid, Spain in 2001 when Leopoldo Mateos (vocals and guitar) and Felipe Salazar (drums) met. After rehearsing frantically in the Locales del Olmo they meet Daniel Asúa (bass) where they coincide working in a teletarot-24-hour channel as an automaton director: "cámara 1, cámara 2, dentro llamada...". In the year 2002 with only 4 themes prepared they are presented to Popzuelo 2002. They are made with the first prize that ... consists of the recording of a disc in the Box studios of Madrid of the hand of Eugenio Muñoz. This homonymous album contains 9 tracks that were recorded, mixed and mastered in just three days leaving a record of a raw and electric sound and which is expected to be reissued soon. See more [+]