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Auld Lang Syne |||||
Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to min...
Advance Australia Fair |||||
Australians all let us rejoice for we are young and free We'...
Alabama Jubilee |||||
You ought to see Deacon Jones when he rattles his bones Old ...
Avram Avinu |||||
Cuando el Rey Nimrod al campo salía miraba en el cielo y en ...
Any Old Iron |||||
Just a week or two ago my poor old Uncle Bill Went and kicke...
As The Deer |||||
As the deer panteth for the water So my soul longeth after y...
Aber Heidschi Bumbeidschi |||||
Aber heidschi bumbeidschi, schlaf lange, es is ja dein Muatt...
Abide With Me |||||
Abide with me; fast falls the eventide; The darkness deepens...
A Sailor Went To Sea |||||
A sailor went to sea, sea, sea. To see what he could see, se...
Aura Lee |||||
(Repeat 1x) (Repeat whole song once more) Now there you have...
A-roving |||||
In Amsterdam there lived a maid, Mark well what I do say, In...
All Things Bright And Beautiful |||||
All things bright and beautiful All creatures great and smal...
Adjö Farväl För Sista Gång |||||
Adjö, farväl! För sista gång Jag avsked från dig tar. Nu må ...
Alachas Comma |||||
Alachas Comma Alachas Comma Vey Kama Tova che fola oom a fey...
Alaskas Flag |||||
Eight stars of gold on a field of blue, Alaska's flag, may i...
Alice The Camel |||||
Alice the camel has five humps. Alice the camel has five hum...
All Around My Hat |||||
My love she was fair and my love she was kind And cruel the ...
All Night All Day |||||
All night, All day Angels watchin? over me, my Lord All nigh...
All The Nice Girls Love A Sailor |||||
All the nice girls love a sailor All the nice girls love a t...
Alla Sera Laggiù Nella Valle |||||
Alla sera laggiù nella valle Con le stelle che stanno a guar...
Am Brunnen Vor Dem Tore |||||
Ich träumt in seinem Schatten so manchen süßen Traum. Ich sc...
Amazing Grace Safe Harbor |||||
Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound) That saved a wretch like...
An Eala Bhan |||||
Gur duilich leam mar tha mi 'S mo chridhe 'n sas aig bron Bh...
Auf Ansbach Dragoner |||||
Auf, Ansbach-Dragoner! Auf, Ansbach-Bayreuth! Schnall um dei...
Auf Du Junger Wandersmann |||||
Auf, auf, du junger Wandersmann, jetzo kommt die Zeit heran,...
Auf Einem Baum Ein Kuckuck Saß |||||
Auf einem Baum ein Ku-hu-ckuck Sim-sala-bim-bam-ba-sala-du-s...
Aus Grauer Städte Mauern |||||
Aus grauer Städte Mauern zieh'n wir durch Wald und Feld. Wer...
Autumn Comes Herbst Ist Da |||||
Autumn comes The summer is past winter will come to soon Sta...
Autumn Days |||||
Autumn days, when the grass is jewelled And the silk inside ...
Adieu My Lovely Nancy |||||
Adieu, my lovely Nancy Ten thousand times adieu I'll be thin...
All Through The Night |||||
Sleep my child, let/peace attend thee All through the/ night...
A Cavarella |||||
A Cavarella de li Cardamuni E' nnu scusagnu ppè fare l'amuri...
A Maid In Bedlam |||||
Abroad as I was walking one evening in the spring I heard a ...
A Rindvieh |||||
A Rindvieh so nennen im Dorf mi die Leit - des is halt a Tit...
A Toi La Gloire |||||
A toi la gloire, ô Ressuscité ! A toi la victoire pour l'éte...
Aaj Khelo Shyam Sang Hori |||||
Aaj khelo shyam sung hori Pichkari rung bhari kesar ke Kuwar...
Aamulla Varhain |||||
Aamulla varhain kun aurinko nousi kun minä unestani heräsin ...
Abiding In The Vine |||||
I've found a new way of living I've got a new life divine I'...
Ade Zur Guten Nacht |||||
Jetzt wird der Schluß gemacht, Dass ich muß schei-den. Im So...
Adele Du Bist Ne Treue Seele |||||
Ich liebte einst ein Mägdelein, der ganzen Welt zum Trotze S...
Adieu Mein Kleiner Gardeoffizier |||||
Und eines tages mit sang und klang, Da zog ein fähnrich zur ...
An Cailín Álainn |||||
Tá cailín álainn, a dtug mé gr&a...
Ani Couni Chaouani |||||
Ani’qu ne’chawu’nani’, Ani’qu ...
Abbarcciami |||||
Gesù parola viva e vera sorgente che disseta e curi o...
Ashokan Farewell |||||
Date: 18 Jul 1995 16:48:27 GMT This is a lovely fiddle tune ...
Amhran Na Bhfiann |||||
"Fe mhoid bheith " "Anocht a theam " "Le guna " Sinne Fian...