Band Maanam <img src="" width="20" height="15" alt="pl" title="pl" onerror="this.src=''"> > T

Maanam pl > T

Maanam - Polish band rock . One of the most popular groups in the history of Polish rock. Maanam group was the nucleus of a niche guitar duo MaM created by Marek Jackowski and Milo Kurtis in 1975 year, playing a mystical, oriental music. In February 1976 the band was joined by his wife Jackowski, Kora . After leaving in the same year the band Kurtis Ossian was replaced by John Porter . The Group has adopted then the name Maanam Electric Shower, s ... ymbolizing the transition to rock sound, later shortened to the word Maanam. This name was a development of the previous one, which I have (M and M), formed from the first letters of the names of the founders of . In 1979 Porter left the band, who formed his own group of Porter Band . Jackowscy together with a group of musicians Dżamble recorded with his own money first single with the songs "Hamlet" and sung by Jackowski "In addition", which became the first classic in career Maanam. The band officially debuted on Music Camping in Luban , like a new band Porter, Porter Band. In addition to electric Maanam Bark composition and Jackowski were also guitarist Richard Olesiński , bassist Christopher Olesiński and drummer Richard Kupidura See more [+]

