Artist Maan <img src="" width="20" height="15" alt="null" title="null" onerror="this.src=''">

Maan null

1) Maan is a Dutch singer, who won the 6th edition of the Voice of Holland in January 2016 2) Alias of Psyk (real name Manuel Anós). 3) "MAAN consist of two Flemish engineer students in their early twenties. They do not only love their sciences cold, their debut LP 'Manifold' harks back to the misanthropic aesthetics of Belgium's wave era, bringing to mind a drumless version of Joy Division inspired bands such as Gruppenbild or De Brassers. But ... MAAN are not the kind of revivalists you would expect them to be. Although the four track garage quality makes them sound like a lost demo tape of teenage angst expression of those days, they owe as much to the literary side of the Shadow Ring or even the intoxicated parlando-and-bass methods of early Arab Strap. Simon Marius and Tim Depraetere had no clue when old cunts like us tried to impress them with name dropping and references to the bands of our youths. To them we were just an annoying update of nagging hippies who compare everything new they hear to the Velvets or Hawkwind. MAAN told us to fuck off and went home to listen to their fresh free jazz downloads, then took up some random instruments, made a bunch of tape loops and decided to make a record. Nevertheless, they still sound like something you found on Mutant Sounds in a quest for some obscure shit you had not heard before. Performances of MAAN always show the band's many different angles. Their link to a couple of young Belgian visual artists had them playing at art galleries a lot when they just started out. That might be the reason that you could catch them doing an hour long minimalist mantra, using only trumpet and voice, as well as a more traditional basement gig. 'Manifold' is the product of song writing, although the art school vibe is present all the same. Do not be mistaken though: Maan are scientists and they do not care about your intelligent pseudo-music philosophy." - label info See more [+]




